Wangyue Theme for EMUI 10/9 and Magic UI 3/2
Wangyue Theme For Huawei and Honor Phone Features:
- Wangyue Wallpaper
- Wangyue Icons
- Custom Lock Screen
- Custom Dropdown Menu
- Custom Dial Pad
- Colorful Status Bar
- New Weather widget
- and more feature
About Theme Wangyue:
- Theme Name: Wangyue
- Size: 36.45M
- Editor: ヤえ゛花禾、
- Compatibility: EMUI 10/9 & Magic UI 3/2
Wangyue Theme Preview:
Wangyue Theme Download:
How to apply the downloaded theme file?
1, Open Huawei’s “Files” app
For EMUI(Huawei Phone), copy the theme_name.hwt file to “Internal storage—-Huawei—-Themes” folder.
For Magic UI(Honor Phone), copy the theme_name.hwt file to “Internal storage—-Theme” folder.
2, Open the “Themes” app
Tap to “Me—-Themes”, back to “Me—-Themes”, Tap to “Me—-Themes” again, new theme you download appear, select it then “APPLY”.
If you have problem doing this, please reffer to our tutorial How to manually install a EMUI & Magic UI Theme?